Divine Service for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

You can find video of the Divine Service, audio of the sermon only, and the bulletin here.


"It’s not about finding some new, shiny thing that will attract some more people. It’s about rejoicing in the gifts that God has given in His Son. If that’s not enough for us, then nothing ever will be. There’s more than enough change in the world around. Things change faster than they ever have before. Let’s give our children and all the little ones in faith something that is as solid as the rock who is Christ, because it’s nothing other than Christ and His Words. He sustains us. He gives us life. He nourishes us. And He does it in the ways that He’s done it for thousands of years, in hundreds of countries, for millions of people: He claims them in baptism, He feeds them with His Word and Supper, and He delivers to them the forgiveness of His death and resurrection. May He make us faithful in this place, in the work He’s given us, for the sake of this generation and every generation to come."


Bulletin for Sunday, September 17, Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost


Lessons for Sunday, September 17, Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost